குறிச்சொற்கள் Narayana Guru

குறிச்சொல்: Narayana Guru

Tiger’s Claw

I possess a book provided by Nitya Chaidanya Yati solely for my personal study. It is a handwritten version not accessible in the public...

Why does Advaida Matter? 

Once, as I strolled with a hunter, he pointed out a wild dog and remarked, “Observe the wound. It's fatal.” In reality, it was just...

Is there such a thing as Hinduism?

For the past month, many readers have been emailing me asking this question: Is there such a thing as Hinduism? Many of them are...

With a Smile…

In one of Guru Nitya Chaidanya Yati’s autobiographical speeches, it is recounted that Nataraja Guru approached a group of young students gathered under a...

Education and Insight

J, You had explained the difference between learning and insight beautifully. The words synonymous with insight themselves are exciting: wisdom, realisation. But synonyms of knowledge...


Why do my friends label as ‘Hindutva’ anything about Hindu traditions. Like references in Vishnupuram.  What exactly do these people call as ‘Hindutva’?  sankar Dear Sankar, A...

Gurukula model of education- A letter

On the gurukula model of education  Dear Jeyamohan, Essay on Gurukula Model Education is a very important one. You wrote it a long time ago. I...

Education can’t be door delivered!

Previous posts Why no online classes? More about online classes…   Dear Je, Thank you for your letter about direct learning.  That being said, why not conduct classes in...