Shaiva Sidhantha Classes

Saivasiddhanta introductory classes are held again. Venerable Santikumara Swamiji conducts classes. The participants shared their experiences with great excitement about the previous classes.

Santikumar Adigal has a Saivism PhD. His simple introduction, giving a detailed map of Indian thought, delineating the place of Saivism in it, and teaching each of its fundamental tenets for the modern age, is a wonderful example.

Saivas are the majority in Tamil Nadu. However, only a small percentage of them are familiar with Saiva culture. Learners will realize that a simple introduction will show our temples and our daily rituals in an entirely new light. It will transform the perspective of our lives.

This is not religious education. Nor is etiquette training. It is purely philosophical education. Anyone interested in learning about any philosophy is welcome to participate. Anyone who is interested in learning all aspects of philosophy is welcome to participate.

There is no other place today that teaches Saivaism in formal classes, not in simple everyday language but in the style of lecterns. Santikumara Swami is well versed in modern literature and trained in higher thought. Today’s modern reader can find Saivism to be a delightful learning experience from him.

Date: October 25, 26, and 27 (Fri Sat Sun)

Interested candidates can apply now.

[email protected] 

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