Dear J,
You have announced a class on plants. I am eager to know how it happens. I have read books on plants. Although they are sometimes interesting, they do not stick in my mind.
Shanti. K.
Dear Shanti,
Any education should have three aspects. One is the teacher. The second element is the direct experience aspect. The third is the curriculum.
We design our training to have all these three aspects. Lokamadevi is a botanist with long experience in teaching. She is not a regular academician; she also conducts classes for interested general students.
The second aspect is the important one. The place where this training takes place is a fenced forest. We intend to provide experiential education by going there directly and getting to know the plants there. There is currently no other option available in Tamil Nadu.
Thirdly, consider the curriculum. This is not a course for botanists. It is for general readers. Suitable for story writers, gardeners, environmentalists, and those with general basic interests