Its truly sad to see the sort of impact mobile phones are having on children. It is constantly feeding consumeristic fads, their conversations are filled with continous zeal to shop. I wonder what will be the long term impacts of such mindless mobile usage amongst children. It really affects their mental condition, as constantly they need to showcase their lives as happening and cool. It is extremely stressful to constantly feel once life is lacking something. It also removes the natural enjoyment that comes with doing things traditionally children used to enjoy, like daydreaming. Nothing could compete with the excitement mobile phone content can provide them. I dont know if kids can judiciously use mobiles, as they are developed with an intention to addict pur senses.
I try to continously introduce books to kids, I was just reading to my elder daughter Sahithya, Udaiyal by Jeyamohan, it was a refreshing experience to discuss ideas like the subjectivity of time. I sincerely believe only reading books can help kids overcome this assault of mindless information that mobile phones feed them. The challenge to kids who read is they rarely get to discuss such stuff with like minded kids. It does not seem to matter where the kids grow, be it in Bangalore or Finland or anywhere mobile phones seem to create a homegenity that is concerning.
(From Facebook)