Yogi- A Letter

Dear J,

Bhava Chellathurai recently wrote about your meeting and conversation with Yogi. You had written earlier. Now I read Maa Devaki’s diary. All three are the same show from different angles.

Maa Devaki did not realize what happened inside you and why you were in that state. The quest and turmoil of writers is not usually understood by those who take a spiritual path. To them, writers and artists are all ordinary people.

They do not understand that if peace and contentment are the path of spirituality, then art is another spiritual journey and its path is turmoil and self-denial. For many sages, literature is only about writing stories. Art is just entertainment.

So Maa Devaki sees you only as an impetuous and impatient visitor. He didn’t know your search was underneath it

I think you are still thinking about the impact that meeting had on you


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