Padhanjali Yoga Classes


Yoga teacher Soundar’s regular yoga sessions have become very popular today. He has been conducting yoga classes in foreign countries, including Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Singapore.

Patanjali developed this system. Guru Soundar, a member of the Satyananda tradition, received thirty years of training from the Bihar Mutt. His gurukulam identified him as one of the master practitioners of that tradition, as well as a yogi. He created many yoga teachers.

Soundar is well versed in modern literature and trained in philosophy. Yoga is more than just a physical or mental exercise. Yoga is a comprehensive life and spiritual training program. The teacher should be properly qualified. The teacher should establish a lifelong relationship with the yogi. The yogi should be in constant conversation with the students. We design these classes to allow students to learn privately in a natural setting from one such teacher, Soundar.

Soundar’s introductory yoga classes are back on the agenda.

Date: October 18, 19, and 20

Interested candidates can apply.

[email protected]

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