About Us

This site is associated with an organization founded by Tamil writer Jeyamohan called the Vishnupuram Literary Circle. Jeyamohan is a well-known writer who has been active in Tamil literature over the past forty years. His magnum opus is Venmurasu, a novel series that re-narrates the Mahabharata in the light of modern knowledge. It is one of the longest novels in the world. (Jeyamohan)

Jeyamohan’s website houses a literary magazine where new pieces are published every day. The reader can find news about all his works and literary activities on this site.

Vishnupuram Literary Circle was founded by Jeyamohan’s readers in 2009. For the past fifteen years, this organization has awarded literary prizes and organized various literary meetings.

Three major literary prizes are awarded by the Vishnupuram Literary Circle each year: the Vishnupuram Award, in recognition of a major literary personality in Tamil literature, the Kumaraguruparan Memorial Poetry Prize, awarded to a young poet of promise, and the Periyasami Thooran Award, recognizing scholars of Tamil cultural studies. A literary symposium is organized alongside the award ceremony each year. Apart from these meetings, two literary gatherings are organized every year. The Vishnupuram Literary Circle also has an American chapter. They organize annual camps for literary and philosophical studies in Boon, North Carolina. (Vishnupuram Literary Circle)

An online encyclopedia of Tamil culture called Tamil Wiki (Tamil.wiki) is being prepared and published by friends of the Vishnupuram Literary Circle. (Tamil.wiki)

Jeyamohan is a disciple of Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati, a sannyasi of Narayana Guru’s order of monks. In accordance with Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati’s wish to create a new strain of intellectuals in Tamil, Jeyamohan began organizing literary and philosophical meetings as early as 1992, when Guru was still alive. These meetings were held at the Narayana Gurukula in Fernhill, Ooty. More than two hundred such meetings have been organized over the years. (Nitya Chaitanya Yati)

Since 2022, these meetings have begun to be held in an organized, concerted manner, under the umbrella of an organization called Unified Wisdom (Muzhumai Arivu in Tamil). It is based on Nitya Chaitanya Yati’s principle of “Symphony of Values”. In this system, a broad education – in the sciences, arts, philosophy and spirituality – is encouraged. The student is taught to make connections and find harmonies between various branches of knowledge as they make progress.  The final goal of this system is to realize a state of oneness through them.

From this point of view, we are organizing classes helmed by appropriate qualified teachers in various branches of study: modern literature, western philosophy, Indian philosophy, Saiva literature, Vaishnavite literature, Saiva Siddhantha, Buddhist philosophy, Jain philosophy, Christian philosophy, Islamic philosophy, Indian sculpture and temple arts, Western visual arts, Western music, modern medicine, Ayurveda, birdwatching, botanical identification etc.

Classes are also being offered in Yoga and meditation techniques, which help the student acquire attentional focus that is indispensable when embarking on any rigorous study. Please contact  [email protected] for all enquiries related to these classes.

This organization is entirely apolitical. We do not allow political discussions of any kind. We are also not affiliated to any religion or religious tradition. We do not encourage any notion of ritualistic purity. There is no room for archaic mindsets here. Followers of all religions are welcome to participate in all the classes.

Our classes follow the gurukula mode of teaching, where the students stay with the teacher for a few days and learn directly from him or her. We follow the regiments of the gurukula mode of education here. The students must agree to follow the instructions of the teacher when it comes to the classes. They need to follow the regulations of the class as set forth by the teacher.

We are opposed to online classes. In today’s world many individuals prefer to huddle in the secure comforts of their homes. They become subject to physical and mental lethargy, and as a result, become ill. Our goal is liberation through knowledge. Therefore we want students who are willing to set aside their time and a portion of their life for knowledge seeking. We obtain knowledge to the extent we sacrifice for it – that is the traditional belief. We offer the kind of knowledge meant for those who are willing to set out of their house desirous of acquiring it.

We welcome all interested students.

Unified Wisdom Team

Contact: [email protected]

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