Guru Nitya- A Letter

You have told us in many conversations how Guru Nithya became your teacher. But hearing it in your own words, as if we were seeing face to face, was an emotional experience.

I sometimes wonder what the place of spiritual gurus is in today’s environment. There are many types of spiritual gurus today. There are those who perform magic on one side. On the other hand, there are those who take on the role of large corporations. There are those who build big temples. Some also act as psychological counselors. This video demonstrated the role of a true guru.

In today’s world, we either have traditional religion or we have simple contemporary philosophy that does not provide solutions to today’s problems. Traditional religion does not communicate with the modern era. It does not have the intellectual tools for it. We require contemporary gurus to impart traditional religious knowledge that aligns with the current intellectual landscape.

From what you said about Nitya Chaitanya Yathi, he was a poet, an artist, a philosopher, and also a mystic. We most urgently need this combination today. Thank you for introducing him. Happy to hear his voice through you.

Raj Mahendran

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