What are the qualifications required?

Dear J,

What are the basic qualifications required to participate in Unified Wisdom classes?


Dear Jayalakshmi,

Only genuine interest is required.

Generally, all our programs are aimed at beginner readers. Therefore, no basic intellectual qualification is required for anything. Just interest and attention are enough. Many who came as ‘clean slates’ have become significant scholars and creators today.

But persistent interest is important. For us, it is superficial interest, which is not simple to deal with. You cannot learn anything with that kind of approach.

Often we have questions like these …

  • Will the teachers come to my house and teach me online?
  • Will you conduct the classes at my place?
  • I am interested, but I can come if I get enough time!

A disinterested person uses these excuses to avoid admitting it. We do not encourage them.

Genuine interest and someone setting out for it are very rare qualifications in today’s environment. We observe that most people’s lives stagnate because they lack interest in anything and have no clear goals. Stagnation is the birthplace of disease—psychological and physical.


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