Gurupurnima – Venmurasu Day!

July 21 is Gurupurnima Day. It is Sage Vyasa’s birthday. We are celebrating it as Venmurasu Day.

From July 20th evening to July 21st evening, the Erode Hill Shelter will host the event in person. Those who want to participate only on the 21st can attend from morning until evening.

At this event, there will be conversations and discussions on Venmurasu.

Participants can contact [email protected]

Upcoming Classes

(Places available)

Introduction to Islamic Philosophy – Literature.

For centuries, Islam has been part of Indian culture. Non-Muslims, however, have no understanding of Islam. Without understanding, there can be no unity in Indian life. What we need is ‘understanding’ rather than ‘tolerance.’

The Sufi tradition, one of Islam’s philosophies, has played a significant role in Indian spiritual thought and Indian arts (especially music). Without realising it, it is impossible to understand Indian literature and art.

Islamist politicians, who only foster division, cannot impart any understanding. Only those who learn Islamic philosophy can attain such understanding. In today’s climate of hatred and divisiveness, deep mutual awareness can be a real reaction against this situation.

Even today, Muslims understand Islam in two ways. Religious and political. There are very few classes devoted solely to philosophy like this.

Tamil Islam is a significant component of Tamil culture. The Tamil epic tradition has greatly contributed to the Tamil literary tradition. Readers of Tamil literature and lovers of Tamil culture should know it.

Nisha Manzoor, a poet and Islamic scholar, will teach this class, which will cover the history of Islam, its philosophy, its global Sufi tradition, and Tamil Sufi literature.

July 12 13 and 14 (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon)


write to [email protected]

Introduction to German Philosophy

The philosophy that arose in Germany during the European Renaissance changed the very definition of philosophy. Independent of religion, philosophy began to talk about the basics of life with its own method of cognition and logic. It was also the period in which the modern world was born. Modern education and media have emerged. Through colonialism, European thought spread around the world. As a result, the German philosophical tradition became a force in shaping world thought.

To become properly acquainted with German philosophical thought is to know the foundation of modern European philosophical thought. Modern ethics, democratic ideas, and political theories developed on this foundation. We derive all our thoughts today from them.

This is a three-day introductory class to German philosophy.

Conducted by Ajithan. Ajitan, who graduated with a Masters in Philosophy, has a special interest in Germanic philosophy. Trained in film and western music. He works in the film industry. He has written the novels Maitri and Al-Kiza, as well as a collection of short stories called Marubhumi.

New Classes Upto September 


Western Art (Painting, Photography) by AV Manikandan. Fourth class.

Dates are August 30, 31 and September 1

Buddhist Philosophy- Vipassana sessions conducted by V. Amalan Stanley are recurring.

Dates September 6, 7 and 8 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Indian Philosophy First Class

Indian Philosophy First Level Class First Level Classes are re-announced due to saturation of seats in the previously announced class.

September 13, 14 and 15 (Friday Saturday Sunday)

Tamil Ancient LiteratureReading Practice

Old Tamil Literature Reading Classes

Marabin Maindan Muthiah has formal training in Tradition literature and modern literary traditions .Continuity of Tamil literary tradition from Sangha Literature to Citlilakiyams and how to read them will be taught. This is not a grammar or informational tutorial. Purely an exercise in literary taste

September 20 22 and 22 (Friday Saturday Sunday)



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