Birdwatching and plant watching

Dear Jeyamohan,

I am interested in birdwatching and have been involved in it for more than 3 years. I read your post on the connection between birdwatching and plant watching. Birdwatching is a divine and creative realization because birds are very active, dynamic, and beautiful creatures. I am doubtful about the plants.



Dear Srikrishna

Learning anything is a divine and creative realization because we are watching a portion of this universe.

You may have heard about American scientist George Washington Carver. He approached a senior scientist with an ambition to become a scientist. Given that Carver was a Black man, the senior scientist responded with a sarcastic note, “What are you going to study? Go to the kitchen and study peanuts.”. And Carver did wonders with peanuts.

You can observe just pebbles; if you are open enough, you can discover endless wonder in them.

Yes, my dear man, plants are also very active, dynamic, and beautiful creatures. They are changing every day—every hour. They have moods, they have passion, and they have ambition and plans.

Additionally, without a thorough understanding of plants, one cannot comprehend birds accurately.


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