Philosophy, Ajithan- A Letter

Dear J

I apologize if what I am asking is annoying you. I’m asking because I’ve heard similar conversations in my circle. You teach Indian philosophy, and your son teaches Western philosophy. A friend said that you have made philosophy a family education. What is the reason for choosing someone as young as your son to teach philosophy?

Bala Ravikumar

Dear Bala

I am accustomed to dealing with such simple-minded talks. I am using this occasion to express my perspective clearly.

Ajithan’s selection to teach Western philosophy is primarily due to his young age. Because I didn’t look for a teacher who would only teach it as a “lesson.” I sought someone who would teach Western philosophy through the basic problems it addresses.

Many of the basic problems of Western philosophy have come to us only after India entered the modern technological environment. We are facing those problems only after we have moved away from poverty and entered a middle-class life with a guarantee of food and shelter. For the previous generation, survival was a struggle. Their concerns and problems are different.

Therefore, many of the problems that Western philosophy talks about are widespread among today’s youth. I thought that one of them could better teach them Western philosophy. It would be more beneficial if the teaching was not a teacher-student exchange but rather a conversation among friends.

That is why Ajithan conducts these classes. As far as I know, there is no other person who can conduct this class in this way today. He possesses both a formal academic education and has engaged in extensive reading and personal research.

Also, if you want to master philosophy at a young age, you must have devoted many years to it. In today’s environment, that is a luxury that a Tamil youth can’t even imagine. Our Tamil youth typically face pressure to pursue a profession from his school days. Ajithan has the luxury to study what he wants and pursue his quest.

I don’t think anyone who has attended Ajithan’s classes will have any other opinions on this. They reported that the classes were very creative and energetic.


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