Online classes, Internet addiction- A letter

Why no online classes?

More about online classes…

Education can’t be door delivered!

What is the use of learning? 

Dear Jeyamohan,

The answers you wrote about online education are important. I have seen this in my teaching career. A year and a half of the Covid pandemic has forced many of us into seclusion. Internet addiction and pornography addiction have taken over. Students can now be contacted only through cell phones.

There are many problems with it. Emails, WhatsApp messages, Insta messages, YouTube messages are inundated with a lot of messages. So everyone sees only the news they need or are comfortable with. We are unable to communicate anything to anyone now. Our Principal said ironically,  that henceforth college programs will reach students only if they are advertised on porn sites.

Only those who go out in person to study and study can do something. Studying through internet is an illusion. There is no sharp attention in it. The internet itself is distracting us on every ten seconds. The nature of the internet is to keep us distracted.

For real education we have to go beyond internet. People who ask if there is internet education are already internet addicts.  We saw in a Tamil movie that someone pours beer in idli and ate it. These internet addicts are like that. All they know is only one taste. Whatever you give, they want to pour beer on it


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