Teaching literature, A letter

Is it possible to ‘teach’ literature?

Dear Jeyamohan

I taught literature in colleges for many years. So I can say one thing. Literature cannot be taught in colleges. Because there is a curriculum and it is for all students. So only an average education can be given.Literature is different in both ways. It is a free journey. Like a cow grazing. Based on its appetite and taste, it grazes. If you tell a cow to graze completely from a corner in a straight line, it will die. Also reading is different for everyone. It is something intimate. There is no average standard in it. I have seen students with the best taste fail in colleges. Average students get first marks. The syllabus can be boring for students with taste. Those who write by memorising important parts will achieve. So literature can be taught outside the college. I think philosophy can also be taught only outside the college

Venkatraman N.

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