Is yoga for everyone?

Dear Jeyamohan,

Does a person who works physically hard and earns his daily bread need yoga and meditation? In a recent conversation, someone asked, ‘Has anyone seen a person who works as a daily wage worker practice yoga or meditation?'”. He said that yoga and meditation are for those who are trying to digest the butter in their bread. What’s your opinion?

M. Sivakumar

Greetings, Sivakumar

It makes sense on the surface.A daily wage worker who puts in a lot of physical labor is unable to practice yoga or meditation. There won’t be time for that for him.He won’t be in the appropriate physical or mental condition for it.

All living things struggle primarily to survive and procreate. The same is true of people. The primary obstacle in the lives of millions of individuals worldwide is this conflict. For them, nothing else matters. They ought to put their all into it. Nobody can tell them that something else is more important or that they should give up that basic need.No one ever recommended yoga or meditation to them.

But only those who have transcended the basic problem of survival and pursued a fundamental quest for the meaning of life have created the philosophy, arts, literature, science, and philosophy that exist on this earth today. Those who rise above this fundamental necessity and possess the ‘will’ for power dominate society, religion, and government. Persons who think about and fight for the welfare of the underprivileged are also those who have gone beyond that basic need and attained society’s moral responsibility.

Everyone here directs their thoughts and artistic creations toward a circle that transcends the fundamental need for survival and has a need for knowledge and artistic experience. No one can bring ideas or art to those who struggle every day to meet their basic needs, as they are incapable of observing or comprehending their situation. They don’t have the time or the mood for it.

Could someone argue that philosophy, science, and art are not necessary for the human race? Those who advocate for the emancipation of the struggling masses are not working for their daily bread; most of them are full-time academics, writers, and social workers. 

If someone says that simple people who toil for basic needs do not meditate, so meditation is not necessary, he is a fake or a fool. Does he live his life like poor people, toiling for their basic needs? Can he claim that he won’t do anything that they are doing? Only a pseudo-political intellect would use this kind of ridiculous reasoning to hide its laziness and self-interest.

Let’s say this. Those who possess the ability to think and engage in the arts should practice yoga and meditation.


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