Internet addiction – Three steps to come out 

Dear Jeyamohan

I’ve been grappling with attention deficit disorder for more than 4 years, beginning during the Covid-19 pandemic. I understand that internet addiction is the primary cause of my attention deficit disorder. I have lost my social connections and am now facing numerous challenges in my career.

I want to separate myself from the unending and prejudiced political debates and meaningless chats. But on every training program I attended, I was told to ‘concentrate’ on my mind, and to be’mindful’. The problem lies in my inability to focus and be mindful. The powerful media is shattering my mind, causing me to constantly think about my enemies on social media and argue with them within myself. I’m not sure why I’m writing all this to you.


Dear K,

For overcoming any problem, you have to adopt three steps.

1. You have to understand the problem.

2. You have to understand your power and weakness.

3. You need to put the ideas into practice.

I want to make one point very clear: you cannot begin practicing after you fix the solutions. Because, you can discover the perfect solutions only through practice.

Meditation and yoga help with the first two steps, but the third is harder. You have to find it out for yourself through practice and continuous observation.

For some individuals, apart from meditation, engaging in art or intellectual pursuits aids in mental concentration. For others, handicrafts such as weaving or mechanical work help. Find it yourself.

But there are two things I have to warn you about.

Without ‘doing’ you can never come out. Doing means some physical, external activity.

Any form of entertainment is insufficient; you must ‘work’ and ‘produce’ something useful.

Try Nurpu—a handloom weaving school.



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