Dear Jeyamohan
I was discussing the philosophy classes you are conducting. My friends informed me that casteism and foolish faiths were prevalent in India’s past, and Indian philosophy played a significant role in these practices. The proponents of Indian philosophy propagated that darkness, and so they are against learning it… I want your opinion.
Dear Jeyakrishna,
Let us accept what your friend said about Indian philosophy as right. What other philosophical traditions have a rich and illuminating history? Slavery and slave trade were the basis of Greek culture. Plato himself adovocated for slavery. The Greeks held numerous beliefs that may appear absurd in today’s context. The entire history of Christianity was marked by blind beliefs and cruel violence rooted in them. Christianity’s history is characterized by the occupation and complete destruction of millions of innocent native people. For over a millennium, Christianity justified slavery in the name of God; even the popes themselves held slaves. What your so-called friends will say? Are they criticizing the entirety of human philosophy? If they do, they reject science and human thought. Yes, fools can do that.
Human thought is the result of the complicated dialectical growth of oppressing and liberating ideas. Studying philosophy is the only way to dicipher it.