The horse of fire 

Dear Sir,


My name is D, a project management consultant . Twelve years away from my homeland, India, have made me realize the vastness of the world and my own limited understanding. Yet, amidst this realization, a profound thirst for knowledge and wisdom persists.

As a young girl, I was fortunate to be part of a vibrant literary community Bharathi Iyakkam @ Thiruvaiyaru. My involvement with Bharath Iyakkam and the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion led by the esteemed Jeyakandhan were defining moments that shaped my intellectual trajectory.The influence of luminaries like Jeyakandhan ignited a spark within me, a desire to explore the depths of human thought and experience. However, the demands of adult life led me astray from this noble pursuit.

Now, at a crossroads in my life, I am determined to reconnect with my inner self and explore the depths of wisdom. Your philosophy sessions offer a beacon of hope, a chance to reignite my intellectual curiosity. I stand before you as a humble seeker, recognizing my own ignorance and limitations. Yet, within this unpolished vessel, there resides a nascent desire for learning and growth. I yearn for a guide, a mentor, to illuminate my path.

I humbly request the opportunity to participate in your first stage of philosophy sessions. I am aware of the immense privilege this would be and promise to approach my studies with utmost dedication and humility. I eagerly await the arrival of my teacher.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I have enclosed herewith some basic details of me .  Should you require more specific information, kindly notify me.


Dear D,

The first thing I have to say is that a person’s basic intellectual thirst is similar to the basic fire mentioned in the yoga tradition (Moolathara). Some people are born with an intense intellectual thirst. A person with that intense fire can’t ignore it and live a life without kindling it. It is like the fire of hunger (Jadaragni); if you cannot quench it, it will permeate other organs and eventually devour the entire body. A person endowed with intellectual faculties by nature must find their own way to develop them. It’s like a horse within us; we must harness it and embark on our journey. The journey is the only thing that we can do; the destination is beyond us.




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