Layman and Philosophy


Dear Sir

I saw your video where you talked about philosophy education. I understood why Philosophy has to be learnt. Could you please tell me the necessity of philosophy for a layman?



Dear Rathnakumar

No one can live without philosophy. During a loss, we console ourselves philosophically and console others in the same way. In times of mental distress, we seek philosophical comfort. Our sense of justice is fundamentally based on philosophy. At the core of our religious beliefs lies philosophy. The essence of our politics is also rooted in philosophy.

But those are philosophies provided by religion or politics. Even for those who know nothing, the most common philosophies are conveyed through general conversations. These come in very simple phrases. Even when someone says, “Nothing in life is permanent,” it is a simple philosophy.

If a person finds contentment with those philosophies, there is no need for them to study philosophy further. Such a person is ordinary. However, those with intellectual sharpness cannot be satisfied in this way. They will have more questions. Their quest will continue forward.

Someone who has such questions should study philosophy and find answers for themselves. Otherwise, they may become bitter and develop a negative mindset.


Translated by Geethaa Senthilkumar

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