
A few days ago, I had a conversation with a young man who was sharing his story of hyper-depression and its associated problems.

Recently, I’ve been meeting these kinds of people on a regular basis. Perhaps it’s because we operate an organization that offers yoga classes. Or are these hyper-depressive problems prevailing more intensely in our society? I don’t know. But I am discovering new questions to ask them back every time.

I asked the young man, “What is the daily work you are doing with full passion?”

He said, “I used to travel a lot… Also, some reading…”

I stated, “I am not referring to hobbies or entertainment; I am referring to work. Work is an activity that produces results. It is an activity in which you use your entire mental and physical energy and get exhausted at last.”

He said, “I am working in an organization, but I hate that work.”

I said, “Yes, I understand that you are working, and it’s common for people to dislike their jobs.. But you can find some additional work you like.”

“Additional work?” He wondered.

“Yes, there are some works where you can actively participate and create something you enjoy. You’ve got to learn more and more from that activity. It is the only way to be happy. You can solve your depression problems easily through it…”

He said, “But I have no time to do that.”

I said, “I am writing for movies. I am running three institutions. Apart from that, I am publishing three blogs every day. I am also writing novels and short stories. Above all, I am working every day on an internet encyclopedia. Still, I have ample time. Actually, 24 hours is a long time to spend. What are you doing after your regular work?”

“I used to watch TV; I spend time on Facebook and YouTube… But I need that relaxation.”

“That does not give you any relaxation, as is evident; you are complaining that you are hyper-depressed.”

“I can’t work more.”

“That is the problem,” I finally said. “Basically, you are lazy and hold the belief that work is a negative thing.” So you are letting your creative energy sit idle. It pervades your imagination and makes you sick. Unused energy is the greatest burden, mentally, intellectually, and physically.”

He said he couldn’t see any point in it.

I concluded. Each person has a creative field where they can reinvent themselves. Find it and work on it. It is the greatest form of meditation in the world. Life is not an easy journey; it involves many prosaic and depressive areas. This ‘work meditation’ practice is the most effective remedy for these issues. I discovered it myself at the age of 25, when I was hyper-depressed and almost on the verge of suicide. I used to tell everyone. As Christ said, ‘Whoever has ears, let them hear.”



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