On Traditional Literature

Dear J,

On your site, I saw an announcement about traditional literature training. As a modern reader, I don’t see why I should learn old books in today’s environment. I read your note. For research scholars, learning about traditions and religions is important. However, I have no interest in such traditions or religions.


Dear Sada

You stated that you have no interest in traditional literature, correct? However, isn’t the language you speak an ancient form of tradition? Isn’t your mind a continuation of yesterday?

Let’s assume that you approach language and mind by completely excluding yesterday and considering only today. Even then, you have to learn both words and images, don’t you?

If you want to know a word you use today, you need to study traditional literature. To understand a dream or a mundane image, you require knowledge of tradition, though. Knowledge of tradition is also necessary to understand today’s sociology and politics.



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