Why not alternate medicine? 

Dear Jeyamohan

I watched the classes you are conducting in the name of unified wisdom. Education about alternative medicine is essential in today’s environment. That is the way to prevent monopolies and exploitation in the modern medical field. I think you need to consolidate classes for that. (I have been taking classes for a long time.)



Dear A

I watched two videos you posted. You had spoken against the COVID vaccine. I am the one who got the Covishield vaccine. I studied about it carefully and went for an injection.

Vaccines for the COVID infection are made by inactivating the COVID virus itself, and by sending it into the body, we create immunity against the COVID virus. All vaccines have very minor side effects. Because they are microbes. The disease is cured only by the reaction of the body. No one can tell how the body will exactly react. One in ten thousand may experience minor side effects. One in a million may die. It is not a result of COVID medicine. It is the result of the reaction of that particular body to the vaccine.

Heart block or blood clotting have not increased significantly, as you said after COVID. But after COVID, working from home increased. The trend of ordering food home delivery has increased. Hence, obesity, depression, etc. increased. As a result, heart complications might increase slightly. There is also depression as a result of unemployment and business destruction. Stress can lead to overeating, which can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Modern studies have shown this.

The death rate for COVID is very high. Even if cured, the long-term effects of the infection are also complicated. If there is any adverse effect from the vaccine, it is only for three months at most. But the effects of COVID-19 on survivors are lasting for life. During that great COVID crisis, I know how proponents of alternative medicines like you shut your mouths. I know how many people were convinced by people like you and sent to heaven. Four of my relatives and friends died at a young age without vaccination, relying on alternative medicine.

Any drug has side effects. Even a normal headache pill. Siddha drugs have serious side effects, like kidney damage. Until recently, Ayurvedic medicines were said to be side-effect-free because they do not use metals. Recent studies have identified and documented their side effects. Even strong oils applied to the skin can affect the kidneys.

Allopathic medicine has international trials. Therefore, side effects are reported. Siddha and Ayurvedic systems do not have such methods of study or extraneous methods of proof. Therefore, side effects are often not documented properly. But slowly, scientific methods and research methods are being developed for them. They have a place in medicine as they reform lifestyles and provide a way of coping with disease.

Alternative medicine is not one of the above-mentioned medicines. It cannnot be called medicine. It is a matter of faith, like exorcism. It does not involve any kind of extraneous documentation, data collection, or testing.

In this case, you oppose allopathic medicine by pointing out its side effects. You create mistrust over it, and it is your way of propagandising your methods. You say allopathy has become a trade now. That is true. But other medicines are equally commercialised.

Those who advocate alternative medicine will point out the shortcomings of modern medicine. They will create their own space with it. But they will not bring their medicine to any scientific study. They have no scientific data.

Those who talk about alternative medicine do not present any external methodology for their practice of healing. All they talk about is their personal ‘divine’ energy and powers. Even if we assume there is such a thing, how can we teach it?

Tamils today have become people who refuse to see even the most basic facts. They will doubt what is intellectual and will not try to learn. If faith-based and miracle stories are told, they will rush towards them and begin to talk about them with excitement. The reason behind it is that they like fantacise.

Foremost among the modern superstitions propagated today is alternative medicine. We are against all such blind beliefs. To counter this, we try to present knowledge and wisdom in all fields.


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