A Letter To Guru Soundar

Namaste Guruji,

It was my pleasure and privilege to meet and spend time with you at Nithyavanam last weekend. Prior coming to that event, I had no expectations about the concept and conduct of your program. But I was very surprised throughout.

First thing I noticed was your very friendly approach towards participants, who had no idea about you and your Guru parampara background and faith. Your sincere approach and intent towards each participant was a wonderful thing to notice.

Though I was skeptical about my participation due to my physical inabilities and logical thinking barriers, I participated in each session whole heartedly following cue from your enthusiasm. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for sharing knowledge.

Also, I enjoyed the way you communicated with the audience. Your ability to switch over between Tamil, English and Sanskrit was wonderful. The references you gave and importantly how you conveyed them in understandable terms to the crowd was a joy to listen and learn. I understand that it comes from your vast experience, still that was impeccable.

You also personally listened to me when I was not feeling well and enquired about my health issues, and encouraged me to continue the practices and get well soon. I was touched by your gesture.

Apart from that, the arrangements done by Anthiyur Mani Anna for comfortable stay, timely tasty food arrangements were immaculate and very much appreciable. Overall I felt my stay there was very much worth it.

I would strive to follow your instruction to do the practices for the coming 3 months period without break. Again, thanks for your time and knowledge sharing.

You are a great teacher. Thanks a ton Guruji.

  •  Regards

N. Balaji

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