Being Void- A Letter

Dear Je

My problem is laziness. I am a 43-year-old housewife. I have three children and a neat family. I have a job. So, according to our social customs, everything is fine. We are having fun – hotels,  movies, and occasional travels. But I feel a deep discomfort within my soul. I feel that i am living a. meaningless life. My exisitence is a void. I try to come out of it with various answers, but i cant. I feel i am wasting my life. I know that living is entirely different from surviving. In the eyes of a commoner, I have everything, but in my personal perception, I am nothing. I sought the advice of a psychologist, who informed me that my perception of myself is merely an illusion, and that I can find solace in positive thinking. I want to share this with you, just to get your opinion.


Dear A,

Discontent with ourselves is the starting point of an intellectual and spiritual journey. Feeling a void is a great thing, it gives you a message. Just start. Start an intellectual pursuit; eventually, it will become a spiritual quest. A person who is qualified by birth for an intellectual and spiritual quest cannot be satisfied with ordinary pleasures.


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