The Responsibility of the Shepard

Dear J

I am watching videos of your training courses. I have a question. What do you think are the overall benefits of these types of classes? Do you think the general public will be interested in this?

These classes are educational. My experience has shown that our people exhibit a severe aversion to learning anything new. They will only be interested in learning if it requires little effort. I believe that discussing concepts such as philosophy and art will only exacerbate their frustration. My friends express that frustration on many occasions.


S. Radhakrishnan

Dear Radhakrishnan

I have been living in a Tamil environment for 30 years. I know this too. Only one in a million Tamils has the desire and effort to learn something new. The rest of us think that we already know everything, that everything comes to our knowledge naturally, and that social media and WhatsApp are enough to learn. Those who lack knowledge often step forward to criticise and satirise everything. They are opposed to any intellectual endeavour.

However, their existence serves as the driving force behind this endeavor. The longing and impatience sparked by witnessing such an environment serve as the motivation to initiate the process. I know the hurdle is huge. However, there are a few who find this anti-intellectual situation depressing. I am targeting them only.

There is no long-term plan or dream for me. I am not measuring my work’s results. It has no meaning. Every day should unfold in a productive manner. We should do our work incessantly. Let the ‘Shepard’ take responsibility for the results.


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