Can I practice various yoga traditions simultaneously?  

Dear Je ,

 I am doing  meditation practices taught by guru thillai for the past 90 days. It’s immensely helpful. A life changing practice. It gave the experience to be with my self.  As we were exposed to online education during corona, it’s impact is not overstated. The ability to concentrate on one thing could be most precious diamond in one’s life.

I was writing a tamil letter for the past 20 days about the holistic experiences from நித்தியவனம் from all the classes . Thought to give my thanks at the day of guru purnima. But it’s not complete.

My question is ” As I am already engaged in meditation practice taught by guru thillai. Is it ok for me learn Vipassana from Stanley sir? “

With love ,

Sabareesh Kumar

Dear Sabareesh

Yoga in the Budhist tradition differs slightly from yoga in the Padanjali tradition. The Padanjali Yoga tradition differs slightly from Tanra Yoga. But the similarities between these schools are greater.

One can learn these yoga traditions and methods simultaneously. It will help him understand his inner self from various angles. But after a certain point, he has to select one method and strictly follow it for his fulfillment.

However, some methods, like Vipasana, have no physical training, like Padanjali Yoga. So, one can unite Padanjali yoga with Vipasana if he needs phisical practices personally, particularly those who have some phisical problems.


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