Fire, A Letter

The horse of fire 

Dear Sir,

I am still in a state of disbelief that I have received a personalized reply from you. The joy I felt this early morning in this distant land of the desert is akin to witnessing the rarest rain here. Tears rolled down my cheeks, tears of a longing student receiving a message from a guru of dreams. Thank you.

I wholeheartedly agree with your words, sir. When I came to the Gulf at 26, I envisioned a world different from what I found. Not just a world of luxury, but a world of the greatest minds from across the globe, as Dubai is an international hub. However, to my disappointment, I rarely encountered such people. It was my fortune to meet Mr. Sivaraman (a student of your first session, I heard he was the very first to enroll in your philosophy session).

The fire of intellectual thirst within me remained, leaving me feeling empty despite the financial success. Sometimes, I find myself questioning the value of my work, feeling as though I am merely going through the motions to earn a living. The nightmare of dying like this haunts me day and night.

It is a blessing for this world and this generation that a  great writer and intellect like you have come forward to conduct such sessions for ordinary people like me. I cannot thank you enough. Thank you, sir.


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